There is a General Body, comprising of 24 members in SEEP, which elects an Executive Committee of 7 members every two years. The EC appoints an Executive Director. The total EC members will be 7. The Executive Director is the chief of the organization. The Executive Committee sits quarterly to review the progress of the programmes and periodically visit the programme to see their status for themselves. The meeting of the General body is held at least once in a year to approve yearly budget, all policies and yearly audit report. They also elect executive Committee every two years by popular vote

General Body

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Executive Committee

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director

Tohomina Jesmin Mita

Deputy Executive Director